Pay per keyword Google Campaigns

Guaranteed top page positions for any keywords of your choice

Google Campaigns - Bronze Package

Choose a keyword of your choice for a guaranteed top position.

Google Campaigns - Silver Package

Up to 2 Kewords of your choice for a guaranteed top position.

Google Campaigns - Gold Package

Up to 3 Kewords of your choice for a guaranteed top position.

Google Campaigns - Platinum Package

Up to 10 Kewords of your choice for a guaranteed top position.

Call Link Extension Add-On

Select this Add on to have a call link add on for your campaign.
This allows customers to call you directly through your ad allowing you to maximise sales and track conversion rates.

Site Link Extension Add On

Select this Add on to have up to 4 site links added on to your campaign.
This allows customers to click directly through to specific pages on your website straight from your ad making it easier for customers to find your products and contact details.

Google Campaign - Gold +

Up to 5 Kewords of your choice for a guaranteed top position.

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